ENVItech Bohemia s.r.o. designs a complete range of state of the art CEMS gas and dust analyzers, sampling systems, data acquisition systems and software for the continuous measurement & reporting of stack pollutants. With the global focus on emissions, the Group helps its clients quickly achieve environmental compliance in the most cost-effective manner.
An important element of industrial processes and related environmental impact monitoring is the control of stack emissions in atmosphere, a fundamental aspect for assessment of pollutants emitted in air during production cycles. We offer an entire line of sampling devices together with a range of accessories in full compliance with the requirements of the applicable legislation to follow Particulate Matter, Heavy Metals, Mercury, Acid Gases, Organic compounds, Dioxins and Furans by manual, semi-automatic and automatic sampling solutions. Including also necessary isokinetic sampling and measurement of supporting parameters like gas Temperature, Pressure, Flow Rate, and Water Content.
We employ innovative technologies and a wide range of instrumentation to support industries in better understanding and controlling their processes, helping not only to enhance the manufacturing process, but also to reduce lost production time, reduce maintenance and reduce other associated costs. Our instruments provide a window into the manufacturing process, providing data to optimize a process efficiency and product quality.
Subcategories of Emission Measurements
